Career Monitoring Results Now Include a Report on Salaries!

Results of University Career Monitoring Surveys Published – New Report Includes Salary Information!


The results of the 2023 career monitoring surveys for universities have now been published on the Finnish National Agency for Education’s Vipunen service! The survey targeted master’s graduates from 13 Finnish universities who graduated in 2018 and doctoral graduates who graduated in 2020. This year, the reporting of the data specifically highlights the median salaries of respondents with a master’s degree. Link to Vipunen’s results page.


Median Salary for Master’s Graduates is €4200 Five Years After Graduation Median salaries vary significantly across different fields. The highest median salary, €4900, is in the fields of business, administration, and law. In the field of technology, the median salary is €4500, in healthcare and social services €4300, and in social sciences €3900 per month. The median salary in the humanities and arts is €3200, and in education fields €3100 per month. These quite clearly also show how the different fields are valued in society.


Both Master’s and Doctoral Graduates Primarily in Full-Time Employment

The vast majority of respondents are in permanent full-time employment, indicating stable job markets for those who have completed master’s and doctoral studies (70% of master’s graduates and 56% of doctoral graduates). Fixed-term full-time employment is also common. Less than 5% of doctoral graduates worked on a grant. Less than one percent of respondents from both groups reported being unemployed job seekers.


Salary Depends on More Than Just Field of Study

Choosing an education is often discussed based on how much graduates from various fields earn. However, it is important to note that the salary for a particular field or profession is not solely determined by education. This is important when considering making study choices. Salary is largely determined by other factors such as experience, skills, individual performance, industry practices, and collective agreements. It is important to understand both individual and structural factors that influence career and salary development.


Longitudinal Data on Employment of University Graduates from Career Tracking Survey

Vipunen’s visual reports allow for the examination of responses from the past three years. The response rate for master’s results increased slightly from the previous year and was now 44%. Doctoral graduates were once again more active respondents; their response rate was 48%.


The survey investigates not only post-graduation employment and employment status but also the skills acquired from studies and their relevance to the skills needed in the workplace, as well as satisfaction with the completed degree. Additionally, a separate table of results is available for the Ministry of Education and Culture’s funding model questions.


A report on the survey conducted for universities of applied sciences is also available. This report allows for the examination of the skills and knowledge provided by education in different fields or even at the level of individual higher education institutions. Link to the report.



The Career Tracking Survey is conducted annually for master’s graduates who graduated five years earlier and doctoral graduates who graduated three years earlier from 13 Finnish universities. The survey is coordinated by Aarresaari, the Finnish network of universities’ career and employment services.