Graduates in working life

Information on career monitoring 

Master’s and doctoral degree career monitoring at universities is performed by Aarresaari, the national cooperation network for career and working life services. Career monitoring has been carried out for over ten years and all universities except the National Defence University are involved. The target group of master’s degree career monitoring comprises all persons who have graduated with either a second cycle university degree or a so-called concluding first cycle university degree five years earlier. The labour market integration of doctors is examined 3 years after graduation. Data is collected each autumn. 

Career monitoring produces comprehensive information on academic employment and on the extent to which university education responds to working life competence needs. The results are utilised for example in the planning and control of instruction and in the development of education. The results of master’s degree career monitoring also affect the funding of universities. 

The Feedback Group operating in connection with the Finnish Council of University Rectors, Unifi, has drawn up the common ethical principles (pdf) of universities’ feedback surveys. The principles establish a framework for the implementation of universities’ common queries and are used for specifying e.g. the practices related to respondent recruiting. More detailed descriptions of the data collection processes can be found on the query-specific websites.