Doctoral degree career monitoring

The Aarresaari network actively monitors the integration of academic graduates into working life.  The latest results can be found on the Latest results page. 

The process of doctoral degree career monitoring 

The target group of the career monitoring comprises those who have graduated with a doctor’s degree 3 years earlier. 


The career monitoring group of Aarresaari coordinates the implementation of career monitoring surveys on a national level. The universities jointly decide on the questionnaire content, the time of data collection and the method of implementation. This ensures that the materials collected by different universities are intercomparable and that they can be compiled on a national level. However, each university is ultimately responsible for its own survey and for submitting it to their own alumni. The survey is implemented in cooperation with the statistics research service of the University of Tampere, TUPA, whose tasks include the coordination of data collection and the storage of printed forms, as well as with CSC, whose ARVO query tool is used in the implementation of the electronic form. 

What is asked from the doctors?    

The nationwide doctoral career monitoring survey, which is implemented jointly by the universities, collects information on doctors’ satisfaction with their degree, their working life integration, the quality of their employment and on the competence needed in the labour market. The survey provides up-to-date feedback for the development of degree programmes.  

Processing of the material

The responses are processed with full confidentiality. Using a personal identifier, the information provided by the respondent is coupled with background information (including field of education and main subject) taken from the study register (from the national study information system VIRTA). The material compiled of the responses does not contain direct identifier data of persons, and the results are always reported (e.g. on the töissä.fi website) so that the feedback sent by individual respondents cannot be identified. Materials can also be disclosed without direct identifier data for research purposes to cooperation partners (e.g. to trade unions such as AKAVA). More detailed information on the processed data and on the way of processing can be found in the privacy statement on the universities’ own pages and at this link.

Career monitoring annual clock

Research cooperation 

The career monitoring materials are available for research use and thesis projects from Aarresaari network. Please contact Further information on the career monitoring material is available by contacting the contact person of your own university.