General information about JobTeaser
- Via JobTeaser service in the pages you can submit job advertisements to 1–12 universities with a single form. However, the universities of applied sciences are not included in the Aarresaari cooperation and, thus, need a separate job posting each.
- Use a different browser or an incognito/anonymous browser window. You cannot stay logged in to the Aarresaari JobTeaser platform simultaneously with separate university platforms in the same browser.
- As a paid service, JobTeaser offers a possibility to publish advertisements at one go in all Finnish or European educational institutions that use JobTeaser. Please contact JobTeaser directly about this option.
- If, in your organization, there is more than one recruiter and you wish to use the same recruiter account to publish advertisements, open the account with a common email address. The system does not allow more than one email address per account.
- Because each university has its own JobTeaser platform for advertisements targeted to it, it is not possible to share JobTeaser job advertisements in social media. The university platforms are not publicly open, but only visible to their students and alumni. Furthermore, the system creates a separate address for each university platform for each advertisement.
Filling in the advertisement
- The title of the job ad: In the title, describe concisely, but informatively, the core of the job. Hundreds of internships are advertised in JobTeaser. Thus, the information value of the title “Internship” is next to zero. Recommendable titles are, for example, “Intern for algae tracking and waterway monitoring” or “Intern of HR and Service Relations Law”
- Contract type/traineeship: Internship advertisements must have information about the salary. Universities do not generally publish internships located in Finland where the salary is lower than the minimum wage that meets the employee work requirement (1 399 €/month in 2024). You will find further information about the salary information requirement form the Universities’ terms and conditions for publication. If the employer requires a university-paid traineeship grant from the trainee, the advertisement must include the information.
- Job category and tags: Select the category that best describes the job and the tasks in it. You can select only one category per advertisement. In addition, you can select tags, such as, linguistics or forestry. If your organization is looking for dozens or, as many as, hundreds of employees to, for example, summer jobs or trainee programs, you should write separate advertisements for different tasks. Because only one job category per advertisement is possible in JobTeaser, it is best to have, for example, engineering or communications jobs as separate entries. Students follow advertisements according to categories and search criteria in their own JobTeaser view.
- Job visible to the following students: You can target your advertisement to the universities of your selection. After sending the advertisement, you can see the courses of all universities. You need not change these, since the students filter jobs they wish to see in their own user view.
- Advertisement language: Select the language as Finnish, English or Swedish. If you want to reach international students in Finland, write your advertisement in English.
- Contact information: Add the contact details of the person giving further information of the job in the ‘Job description’ field. The JobTeaser recruiter account holder’s information is not visible to students in the published advertisement.
- Archiving date: The advertisement will be archived on the day after the last application date.
- Application deadline: If you select ‘No deadline’, the students see the following text:” No deadline has been set by the employer”.
- Applications: JobTeaser gives you two options for directing the applications. If you choose the option email, the system generates an “apply” button for the students and you will get a notification in your email about the arrival of an application. In this case, the student can submit a CV and, according to your choice, either a short text or a cover letter. The other option is to direct the students to an outside website, such as, the recruitment site of your organization.
Email and JobTeaser account
By selecting this option, you will receive the students’ profile information and applications in your email. They are also saved in your JobTeaser recruitment account, where you can review them.
Email and JobTeaser account application types:
– CV + short text: students can include a message of max. 1,000 characters with their CV.
– CV + cover letter: in addition to their CV, students can also send their own cover letters/applications as pdf-files.
Students can only send these attachments via JobTeaser. If you want students to send other attachments, you should mention in the advertisement that the attachments must be included in the same file as the application or instruct the students to send the applications via email instead of using the ‘Apply’ function in JobTeaser.
The students cannot see the email address in the advertisement, but with the ‘Apply’ (Hae) function, the applications are directed to the correct address and recruitment account.
External websites
You can only use the same link to your website once in the system. This means that you should not link to your general recruitment page; instead, you need to link directly to the specific job/traineeship advertisement. However, if you must use the same link, you can add e.g. #1, #2 etc. after the link address. In this way, the system sees them as different, even though they lead to the same page.
Directly to your email address
If you want students to send their applications directly to your own email address and you do not want to use your JobTeaser account, you can instruct the applicants in the text field: ‘Do not use the “Apply” function in JobTeaser, instead, send your application to the following address via email:’.
JobTeaser recruitment account and processing applications
- Employer’s JobTeaser recruitment account
You can monitor the status of your advertisements in your account. For example, you can see whether your advertisements have been published or rejected. When you open the advertisement, you can see how many times it has been viewed. The universities that the advertisement is targeting may change, because universities can hide an advertisement if it does not fit their fields of education or their own terms of publication. You can also create a copy of an old advertisement and publish it again.
- Receiving and processing applications with a JobTeaser recruitment account
You can use your JobTeaser account to review applications. The students’ applications are saved in the Online tab. You can process applications with the ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ functions. The student will not be sent any message about the selection, but by approving the application, you can see the student’s contact information and send a message about the next steps in the application process. The message will be sent to the applicant’s email address.
You can replace JobTeaser’s default message with your own message.
How to notify those who will not be selected for further steps in the recruitment process:- Open the closed job advertisement in the archives and click the ‘Applications’ section.
- You can either select all applications, or, only the applications you will not continue the process with.
- Click ‘Reject’ for all of them. This enables you to write a common message that the system sends to the emails of all applicants.
In questions pertaining to the use of JobTeaser service, please contact us at: