Advertise jobs and traineeships for students on Aarresaari JobTeaser!

One of the goals of the Finnish universities’ Aarresaari network is to promote the employment of university students and recent graduates, as well as to develop universities’ connections to the working world and internship practices. We support employers in reaching students and recruiting future professionals. This can be easily done through Aarresaari’s JobTeaser!

Posting a job advertisement on Aarresaari’s JobTeaser is free! When submitting an advertisement, you can choose which university (or all) it will be targeted at. The advertisement must require academic expertise and correspond to the fields of study offered by universities.

Aarresaari’s JobTeaser provides university students with targeted advertisements specifically related to their field of study. Detailed information about Aarresaari JobTeaser instructions for using the service and publication terms can be found here: Find A Specialist.

You can reach students in the following Universities through Aarresaari JobReaser: